Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Childhood Trauma Revisited

I just watched the documentary Jesus Camp. I feel like retching. For anyone who hasn't seen the film, you can get a synopsis from Wikipedia.

Two things struck me. The first is a quote from Becky Fischer.

Some extreme liberals, they have to look at this and start shaking in their boots. The intensity that you see in these kids there’s no doubt they’ve got to be watching this and going, “Oh my goodness. I didn’t know this was possible. What are these kids going to be like when they grow up? It’s like animal rights people, “Eat your heart out.” You know? You want to see intense? You want to see kids passionate about Christ? This is it. And you know, I have to believe with all my heart this is just the tip of the iceberg. I believe those kids made an impact in heaven. God hears the cries of children.

I can tell you, as a fairly liberal individual, I'm not particularly shaking in my boots. I suppose it's because I was one of those kids. I grew up with laying of hands, anointing with oil, and revival meetings. Yet, here I am. I am an out lesbian. I am a feminist who believes wholly in the right of a woman to choose what happens to her body.

The other quote is from a radio program Becky was listening to at the end of the film.

It’s a new day.

Liberalism is dead.

The majority of Americans are conservative.

You can count on us showing up and speaking out.

Let the church rise.

I think you know how I feel about those comments. I'm too.....overwhelmed to say much else about this now.

Funny note -

One of the deleted scenes is Ted Haggard giving a sermon and he's preaching about "Aaron's rod that budded." Hmm...was it Aaron's or Ted's?

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